Blog - Page 11 of 11 - The Food Teacher

Simple Baking Swaps!

October 14, 2014

Looking for healthy, tasty food that the whole family will enjoy is important. Using a traditional cake recipe of white flour, sugar, margarine and eggs or even a ready prepared mix alongside sugary toppings isn’t the most nutritious option. Finding healthier alternatives is always possible by just […]

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Superfood Series – Bee Pollen

October 3, 2014

‘Superfoods’ are nutritionally dense foods that may offer significant benefits as we strive towards optimal health and vitality. They are often described as natures gift as they are real foods in their natural form that our bodies can recognise and utilise to our advantage. They are typically nutrient […]

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Growing Healthy: Farm to Fork

August 17, 2014

“Back to basics” is a common theme throughout education and if we are to lay down foundations for teaching about food, the process is no different. The fundamental basis for educating children about nutrition has to begin with food and ensuring they understand the source; is it a […]

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How can I encourage my child to eat salad?

August 11, 2014

Many health pioneers and advocates promote the benefits of a raw food diet to improve health and general well being. As a parent this knowledge reinforces our desire to encourage our children to eat more raw food in their diet and during the summer salad is high on […]

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Autism and Detox

August 5, 2014

Listened to an amazing lecture from Martha Herbert (MD, PhD), as part of The Detox Summit (August 2014) in collaboration with The Institute of Functional Medicine.

These are the golden nuggets that I thought were worth sharing:

Don’t discount the effect of environmental toxins on health.
Autism […]

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Your Edible Garden: Nasturtiums

July 22, 2014

It’s not just the vegetables and fruit growing in our gardens that we can eat. Discovering the other edible treats we grow can prove interesting, especially for children. The vibrancy of colours and flavours can give the foods we prepare an extra special taste and touch of […]

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End of Term Energy Blues!

July 17, 2014

Is anyone else experiencing or has experienced the end of term energy blues in their house?

The bedtime routine seems to be more drawn out than ever, the summer humidity and light evenings are not conducive to a good night’s sleep, the morning lie ins are cutting […]

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Stay Healthy on Holiday

July 5, 2014

Stay Healthy when travelling by air

Boosting your family’s immune system before you board a plane is a great way to prepare for your trip. It’s easy to catch a cold on a plane, so maintaining a high level of immunity is essential to […]

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